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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Q&A: Health and Health food – 3rd Pine Pollen and Vitamins series

1.What effects do the vitamins in Guozhen Pine Pollen has on the body?

The term of vitamin, meaning the element to preserve life, was first put forward by FUNK in 1912. Through constant researching, over 20 kinds of vitamins have been found out to be essential to the body. Vitamin can be divided into water-soluble vitamin (vitamin B family and vitamin C) and fat-soluble vitamin (vitamin A, β-carotene, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K). Vitamin is an organic compound essential for maintaining the natural physiological functions of the body. They can not be synthesized in the body (or little is synthesized) and must be taken from the food. Each kind of vitamin has its own physiological function and can not be substituted. The body needs quite a small amount of them but they are absolutely indispensable. The vitamins in the pine pollen exist in a biologically natural form in the cells, with full bioactivity and good absorptivity. They work together in the body. For example, vitamin A, C and E protect one another from being oxidized, and best effect will be obtained when they supplement each other; Vitamin B, B2 and B6 must be supplemented in the proportion of 1:1:1; Vitamin E and selenium supplement each other; Vitamin C can help the absorption of iron; Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium. The absorption of the nutrients is a complicated process and more absorption does not mean better effect.

Contents and functions of vitamins in Guozhen Pine Pollen
Fat-soluble Vitamin Vitamin Content(μg/l00g) Functions
Vitamin A 43. 2 It promotes growth, builds up health, protects the scarfskin tissues, prevents and cures xerophthalmia and helps the calcification of the bones; accelerates the rebirth of cells, and has a remarkable effect on reproduction, blood-generating and trauma-curing.
Vitamin D3 22. 8 It is also called cholecalciferol and is an essential element for the growth of bones. It can promote the calcium deposition into osseous tissue. Vitamin D deficiency of children can cause rickets, and for adults, especially the pregnant women, it causes osteomalacia. 7- dehydrocholesterol in the body will transform into vitamin D3 when exposed to the sun.
Vitamin E 3240 It prevents unsaturated fatty acids from being oxidized, protects the cells and maintains the normal growth of them. It promotes the growth of hair, resists sterility disease, cures nervous and muscular diseases and scavenges free radicals. Vitamin E deficiency will shorten the life of red blood cells.
β-carotene 26. 0 It is transformed into vitamin A by enzyme. Among the absorbed carotene, only one sixth will be utilized. Adequate intake may enhance resistance to cancer, while excessive intake may induce cancer. It can also reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and cataract.
Water-soluble Vitamin
Vitamin B1 6070 It promotes the growth, whets the appetite, prevents and cures beriberi, promotes milk secretion, prevents cardiomegalia, promotes the oxidation of carbohydrate and prevents or treats constipation and coarse skin.
Vitamin B2 486 Vitamin B2, i.e., lactoflavin, will be destroyed if exposed to the sun or cooked for a long time. Vitamin B2 deficiency can cause angular stomatitis, male scrotitis and congestion of canthus or even induce cataract, glossitis and splits in ear and nose.
Nicotinic Acid 14230 It is also called niacin and has a good stability. It prevents and cures pellagra and has a good effect on curing skin, digestive, nervous and muscular diseases.
Vitamin B6 1300 It promotes growth, prevents anemia, detoxifies and clears up the pregnant women's early discomfort caused by pregnancy. Vitamin B6 deficiency will cause coarse skin, neuroticism, insomnia, anemia, measles and skin infection.
Vitamin M 934 It is also called folic acid and has a good effect on anemia treatment.
Vitamin C 56200 It has a good effect on scurvy treatment, gingivitis and bleeding, etc. it can also beautify the skin and scavenge free radicals.

2. What effects do the minerals in Guozhen Pine Pollen have on the body?

Minerals are the inorganic components in the body. It can be divided into constant-element and trace element according to the content of them in the body. Constant-elements in the pine pollen are: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphor, silicon, etc. Trace elements are: iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, molybdenum, etc. Each mineral in the body has its own physiological function. They can keep the acid-base balance in the body fluid. They are components and activators of many enzymes. The minerals in the pine pollen exist in the natural plants in the form of naturally biological form, with the characteristics of good absorptivity and no toxic side effect. Meanwhile, some mineral elements in pine pollen work with vitamins to keep the balance of the micronutrients in the body.

Content of minerals in Guozhen Pine Pollen and their functions
Constant Element Mineral Content (mg/100g) Function
Potassium (K) 128.3 It regulates the functions of heart and muscle. Potassium deficiency will cause myasthenia, paralysis, flatulency, slowness in sentience, maldevelopment, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, etc.
Sodium (Na) 10. 5 It exists in the bones and body fluid. It can keep the acid-base balance and osmotic pressure; keep the excitability of nerve and muscle. Sodium deficiency will cause anorexia, dizziness, nausea, tachycardia, decreasing of blood pressure, etc.
Calcium (Ca) 80. 6 It exists in the bones and blood and is the component of human bones and teeth. It is relevant to the function of heart, the normal transportation of excitement of muscle and nerve. Calcium deficiency will cause twitch of the leg, rickets of children, osteoporosis of old man and other diseases.
Silicon (Si) 201 It plays an important role in the forming of bones, cartilages, connective tissues and skin. It participates in the metabolism and reparation of tissues. Working with other minerals, it helps ossification of the bones and promotes the generation of collagen.
Magnesium(Mg) 110. 3 It makes teeth and bones and is the activator of many enzymes. Magnesium deficiency will cause sore and fatigue of the body, weaken the peristalsis of stomach and intestines, anorexia and dysfunction of autonomic nerve and arrhythmia.
phosphor (P) 218. 3 It makes teeth and bones, and is essential to children and pregnant women. It participates in the metabolism of carbohydrate and protein and is the component of nucleic acid.
Trace element Manganese(Mn) 8.74 It participates in the metabolism of many enzymes in the body and promotes the absorption of protein. Superoxide dismutase is active only with the catalysis of manganese. Manganese deficiency will cause osteoporosis, skin itch, xerosis, a sore waist and an aching back, fatigue and other syndromes of aging.
Molybdenum(Mo) <0. 01 It has a good effect on promoting growth and can protect the heart and blood vessels, maintain the energetic metabolism of myocardium and prevent dental caries and cancer.
Copper (Cu) 0.413 It is the component of Cu, Zn and SOD. It participates in the transportation and absorption of the iron needed by the generation of haemoglobin. It can maintain the normal functions of bones, skin and blood vessels, build up resistance to diseases, increase the height, resist arteriosclerosis, lower cholesterol, protect against radiation, resist cancer and tonify Yang, etc.
Selenium (Se) 0.0031 It participates in the forming of enzymes, metabolism of fattiness and regulation of the immune function. It can also restrain cancer and cardiovascular disease, resist senility and detoxify heavy metals.
Iron (Fe) 24.2 It is the component of haemoglobin and bilirubin, activator of oxidative enzyme and metallic enzyme. It participates in the transportation and exchange of oxygen and can build up the strength of the body. Iron deficiency of girls in adolescence will cause iron-deficiency anaemia.
Zinic (Zn) 3. 26 It is related to the activeness of over two hundred kinds of enzymes and plays an important role in the metabolism of tissues, respiration, protein, fattiness, carbohydrate and nucleic acid. It is the activator of enzymes in insulin and can protect skin, maintain the immune function, promote reparation of the tissues as well as the normal growth of sexual organs. It can also resist cancer and postpone senility. Zinic deficiency will cause the losing of the appetite, slowness in the sense of taste, anemia, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, coarse skin, mental retardation and maldevelopment. Zinic deficiency for children will cause growth stagnancy and mental underdevelopment, etc.

3.What effects do the amino acid in Guozhen Pine Pollen has on the body?

Amino acid, whose physiological function is to synthesize protein, is the fundamental unit of protein, which is the physical basis for life. It can maintain the nitrogen equilibrium and is the raw material for different enzymes, antibodies and some hormones and can also regulate their physiological functions. It provides heat energy for the body, promotes growth, replenishes the metabolic consumption, and maintains the normal osmotic pressure of capillary. Amino acids can be divided into essential amino acid and non-essential amino acid according to their nutrient value.

Under proper condition, the body can synthesize some kinds of amino acid and eight kinds of them have to be provided by foodstuffs. The eight kinds of amino acid are essential to the body, so they are called essential amino acids which fulfill an important physiological function on the body. These eight kinds of essential amino acid are: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine and valine. Children also need histidine.

The body needs a certain amount of each essential amino acid and they can only be fully utilized with a corresponding proportional pattern. WHO has laid down the standard for that and the food whose proportion of the essential amino acids meets the standard is considered highly nutritious. Pine pollen is basically up to the standard.

Amino acids and their content in Guozhen Pine Pollen

Amino Acid Content mg/100g Amino Acid Content mg/100g
Aspartic Acid ASP 1098 Isoleucine ILE 539
Threonine THR 492 Leucine LEU 846
Serine SER 522 Tyrosine TYR 365
Glutamic Acid GLU 1579 Phenylalanine PHE 572
Glycine GLY 698 Lysine LYS 802
Alanine ALA 564 Histidine HIS 189
Cystine CYS 112 Arginine AR6 998
Valine VAL 646 Proline PRG 880
Methionine MET 166 Tryptophan TRP 149

Functions of the eight essential amino acids contained in Guozhen Pine Pollen

Amino Acid Functions
Threonine THR It can transform some amino acids to strike the balance.
Valine VAL It acts on corpus luteum, mammary gland and ovary.
Methionine MET It is the component of haemoglobin, tissues and blood serum. It can promote the functions of spleen, pancreas and lymph.
Isoleucine ILE It participates in the regulation of thymus, spleen, hypophysis as well as the metabolism.
Leucine LEU It balances the Isoleucine.
Phenylalanine PHE It participates in eliminating the loss of kidney and/or bladder function.
Lysine LYS It is the most essential amino acid to synthesize the protein of the tissues and is an important component of liver and cholecyst. It can promote the metabolism of fat and regulate pineal body, mammary gland, corpus luteum and ovary, prevent cell regressing. It is also the essential amino acid to children growth. The insufficient daily intake of lysine will destroy the nitrogen equilibrium and increase the content of non-protein nitrogen in the blood and total nitrogen and urea nitrogen in the urine, which will cause anorexia, low spirit, liability to fatigue and other syndromes.
Tryptophan TRP It can promote the production of gastric juice and pancreatic juice. TRP deficiency will affect nitrogen equilibrium and decrease the content of haemoglobin in the blood. Consequently, people will get diarrhea, anemia, hair loss, fatty liver, anorexia and other syndromes.

Contrast between the content of the eight essential amino acids in Guozhen Pine Pollen and FAO standard

Amino Acid Content mg/100g Proportion FAO standard
Threonine THR 492 4.4 4.0
Valine VAL 646 5.8 5.0
Methionine MET 166 1.5 3.5
Isoleucine ILE 539 4.8 4.0
Leucine LEU 846 7.6 7.0
Phenylalanine PIlE 572 5.1 6.0
Lysine LYS 802 7.1 5.5
Tryptophan TRP 149 1.3 1.0

4.What effects do the fibrins in Guozhen Pine Pollen has on the body?

Cellulose is a polysaccharide made with repeated glucose units bonded together and the major component of the plant's cell wall. The cellulose in the pine pollen is the major component of inner and outer wall of pine pollen's microspore. It is always attached to the lignin, semicellulose, pectin, etc., with the content up to 29%. The content of lignin is especially high, which is of great significance to the digestive function of the body.

In the past twenty years, after an in-depth research, medical experts and nutritionists have confirmed the nutrient value of dietary fiber and list it the seventh nutritious elements in the world. In recent years, FAO, U.S., Canada, Japan, China and other countries all have mentioned in authoritative works that dietary fiber is one of the essential nutrients for the balance of the diet structure. The effects of dietary fiber in pine pollen are:

(1) Preventing colonic cancer. Colonic cancer is caused by the long stay of certain excitants or poisons in the colon. If the content of the cellulose in the food is too low, the long-stay of harmful substances in intestines will poison the intestine wall. Gradually, it will induce colon cancer. In the case of a higher content of dietary fiber, the cellulose that enters the large intestine will be selectively decomposed and fermented by the inner cells and this accelerates the mass reproduction of beneficial bacteria (diplococcus and lactobacillus), meanwhile, it stimulates the intestine mucosa, quickens the excretion of feces and normalizes the intestine function.

(2) Preventing coronary heart disease. The dietary fiber is effective in preventing and improving heart disease caused by coronary arteriosclerosis. That's because, the cellulose can restrain or postpone the absorption of cholesterol and glyceride in lymph by certain action. With normal diet, prevention and cure of coronary arteriosclerosis and heart disease can be achieved by the proper increase of the dietary fiber intake and decrease of the fat intake, which will reduce the level of cholesterol in the body.

(3) Regulating the blood sugar level of diabetics. Inadequate intake of the dietary fiber is one of the major causes for the high incidence of diabetes. The blood sugar level can be regulated by increasing the content of dietary fiber in the food, which will improve the sensitivity of ending tissues to the insulin.

(4) Bringing about the early feeling of repletion of the stomach, reduce foodstuff intake and prevent adiposity. It has a good effect on weight-losing for the obese.

(5) Reducing the intake of bile acid, change the speed of assimilation of food and the secretion amount of the digestive juice. It can prevent cholecystolithiasis, duodenitis, hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis, large intestine cancer and other diseases.
Pine pollen with a high content of cellulose, is ideal health food for supplementing dietary fiber.

5.What effects do the enzymes in Guozhen Pine Pollen has on the body?

Enzymes, formerly called "ferments", are complicated proteins with catalytic functions. Its catalytic capacity is regarded as the viability of enzymes. They are characterized by their high specificity. Nearly all the chemical changes of the organism take place under the catalysis of the enzymes. Enzymes have high catalytic efficiency, for one enzyme molecule catalyzes hundreds to millions of substrate molecules in one minute. Enzymes are usually named after their substrate or the characteristics of their functions. For example, amylase acts on the amylum, chymosin promotes the coagulation of milk, and glucose oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of glucose. Enzymes are also of great significance to the cure and diagnose of diseases, to the understanding of the nature of biological phenomenon as well as to the industrial and agricultural production.

Coenzymes are the small non-protein organic molecules essential for the catalysis of the enzymes. Most coenzymes are the derivatives of vitamins, for example, vitamin B12 participates in some physiological functions in the form of coenzyme.

Guozhen Pine Pollen naturally contains nearly a hundred kinds of enzymes needed by the body. They can promote the peristalsis of stomach and intestines, whet the appetite, regulate the assimilating function of the body and promote digestion and absorption. It has a good repairing effect on the gastric ulcer, duodenitis, atrophic gastritis, etc. It can regulate the immune system and endocrine system of the body. Having various kinds of natural enzymes and coenzymes as its major component is the prominent feature of the pine pollen among other heath foods.

6. What effects do the Rutins in Guozhen Pine Pollen have on the body?

Rutin is a substance extracted from the plant, which has a good effect on the body. It can increase the elasticity and resistibility of the vessel wall and effectively balance the blood pressure. The 1/200,000 intake of rutin in a grown-up will bring about a 26% increase of the resistibility of the vessel. This rare substance is contained in Guozhen Pine Pollen.

7. What effects does the folic acid in Guozhen Pine Pollen have on the body?

Folic acid, also named vitamin B or vitamin M, is one member of the vitamin B family. It exists widely in the green leaves of plants and in the liver or kidney of animals. The yeast also has a good content of it. Folic acid deficiency in the body will cause anemia of giant cells, accompanied by leukocytopenia, pathological changes of gastrointestinal track as well as the stagnation of growth. Recent research has shown that folic acid has more other physiological functions for the body and can prevent many diseases.

(1) The homocysteine in the blood is a metabolic product of methionine. It will cause plaques by damaging the endothelial cells of heart and blood vessels. The folic acid in the blood can convert the homocysteine into methionine. Sufficient folic acid in the body can prevent the production of homocysteine, which will lower the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.

(2) Folic acid deficiency of pregnant women will damage the key parts of the baby's spine and cause malformation of the baby's neural tube, which will lead to death or deformity of the baby. Therefore, it is essential for the pregnant women to supplement an appropriate amount of folic acid. The WTO suggests that each fertile woman should take 400ug folic acid each day.

(3) Folic acid deficiency for women will cause a low level of folic acid in the blood, thus the genes of the cervical cells are easily damaged by the virus, increasing the incidence of cancer. Research has shown that women having a low level of folic acid are five times more likely to get cervical cancer than those with a normal level of folic acid. It is the same case with the rectum cancer.

Folic acid is mainly extracted from such foods as green leaves vegetable, orange and tangerine, soybean, carrot, meat, corn, milk, rhizome vegetables (e.g. potato), etc. But folic acid can't endure light and heat. Most of it will be damaged when heated. Due to this factor, together with others such as malaborption, metabolic disorders, increase of excretion, people have to take folic acid from other food.

Guozhen Pine Pollen contains folic acid, with 934ug in each 100g of pine pollen.

8. What effects do the nucleic acids in Guozhen Pine Pollen take on the body?

Nucleic acids are the most important components of biological cells. They fall into two kinds: ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The research of nearly 50 years shows that nucleic acids carry all the genetic information of a life. They exist in the chromosomes of nucleus, determine the biologic heredity, guide the protein synthesis, control the differentiation and growth of cells and provide cells with nutrition and energy. So it can be said that from birth to death, the whole process of the life is dominated and controlled by nucleic acids. They are the foundation of life. All the signs of aging, such as the degeneration of the skin, hair loss and graying hair, loss of physical strength, fatigue of the body, weakening of the brainpower, fall of the eyesight, are all caused by the inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis or the insufficient supply of nucleic acids, which consequently cause the discontinuous production of new cells. People should supplement nucleic acids constantly to postpone aging and stay young. Foods rich in nucleic acids are sardine, salmon, lobster, crab, living oyster, liver, marine fish and mollusk. Soybean, haricot bean, onion, yeast and other foods also contain nucleic acids and substances which can produce nucleic acids. Nucleic acids should mainly be taken from food. However more supplement is not bound to mean better. Guozhen Pine Pollen is a natural health food for supplementing nucleic acids, with 48,65mg folic acid in each 100g of pine pollen.

9. What effects does the SOD in Guozhen Pine Pollen have on the body?

Before we get to know SOD, we should first know about free radicals. Why will people get ill, age and die Recent research in biological and medical field has shown that they are caused by free radicals, which are high-energy particles that ricochet wildly and damage cells. Free radicals can be produced by metabolism in the body or enters the body from outside. If the "garbage" and toxin in the blood can not be cleared away in time, they will produce free radicals. If the toxic substances from the outside enter the body through respiration or contact of skin, they will deposit to produce free radicals. Free radicals can destroy the cell membrane of the organism or even cut off the DNA chain, thereby quicken the aging of cells and reduce the immunologic function of the organism or even induce cancer. Now it is confirmed that semi-quinone free radical may cause lung cancer, lipid free radical may cause breast cancer, superoxide free radical does harm to all kinds of tissues. So free radical is called the cell-killer. Substances which can eliminate free radical are vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, coenzyme Q, glutathione, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and so on.

SOD is regarded as the most valuable substance to scavenge free radicals, inhibit cancer and aging, improve the immunity of the organism and control inflammation, etc. It was found by Mocord and Fnidovich in 1968. Superoxide dismutase is an enzyme directly involved in antioxidation process, whose components include zinc, copper, manganese and other trace elements. Pine pollen contains a large amount of antioxidant, such as vitamin E, vitamin B, β-carotene and trace elements, etc. All these can slow down peroxidization of lipid and protein in the body thereby fulfills the function of postponing aging. Regular intake of pine pollen can regain youth, eliminate the age pigment and prolong life.

Pharmacological experiment on the little white mouse has witnessed a remarkable increase of the bioactivity of the SOD in the mouse's liver and a remarkable reduction of lipofuscin in the brain, heart and liver after a month of continuous intake of the pine pollen.
In 2002, the scientific research group led by Professor Zhao Lin and Bao Jianfen from General Hospital of PLA carried out the experiments in Germany on the antioxidative capability of Guozhen Pine Pollen with the ten systems for evaluating antioxygen capability. Many external model experimental systems show that Guozhen Pine Pollen is a potent antioxidant and can prevent inflammation and lipid peroxidization. This experiment has achieved gratifying success and is thought highly by experts both at home and abroad.

10. What overall effects does Guozhen Pine Pollen have on the body' physiological functions?

(1) Regulating the digestive system: strengthening the digestive function, increasing appetite and eliminating constipation. The enzyme and cellulose fiber in pine pollen can increase appetite and improve digestion with natural lactic acid produced by accelerating gastrointestinal vermiculation. Vitamin B is an ideal appetizer for its helpfulness for food digestion and absorption through accelerating the normal secretion of gastric juice. Many nutrients and essential amino acids in pine pollen can accelerate the growth of liver cells by enhancing detoxifications.

(2) Regulating blood circulatory system. The synergistic effect of vitamin C, vitamin E and mineral element such as selenium, magnesium, zinc and potassium can increase the blood vessel wall's flexibility, prevent arteriosclerosis and improve microcirculation. On the other hand, rutin can strengthen the blood vessel walls, maintain the normal blood pressure and prevent blood vessel bleeding; mineral elements such as Cu, Fe, K, Mg, vitamin B group and folic acid are very helpful for the prevention of anemia.

(3) Regulating the endocrine system. That Pollen has a therapeutic effect on prostate disease has been confirmed worldwide by clinical medical science. Many medications contain pollen (rape pollen). The synergistic effect of amino acids, mineral elements and flavonoids promotes metabolism, enhances the regulating capacity of the body on endocrine gland, improves prostate blood circulation and reduces dropsy and urethral obtrusion, having a preventative and auxiliary therapeutic effect for the enlarged prostate.

(4) Regulating the nervous system. Pollen pine has a very good regulating effect on neuropathic headache, insomnia and emotional fluctuation. The amino acids, vitamins, especially vitamin B and trace elements in pine pollen can improve the state of the nervous system, alleviating the neurasthenic symptoms like insomnia, headache by providing nutrients for the nervous system.

(5) Regulating unidentified functional diseases. Pine pollen has a regulating effect on exhaustion syndrome menopause syndrome, aging syndrome, etc. Many functional diseases in the body are closely connected with balance maladjustment, especially for the elderly; however, the rich nutrients and active components in pine pollen can enhance the regulating capacity of the body and relieve discomfort by improving the balance of many nutrients, amino acid, and acid and alkali.

(6) Regulating the body's immunity. As an organic whole, the body is comprised of organs, working under complicated rules of life movement The major treasure is its self-curing capacity. Many nutrients in pine pollen can promote the balance among elements in the body to improve its self-treatment capacity. As some experts describe, "diseases are caused by the damage of physiological organic functions with abundant toxin due to an unbalanced diet and medicine abuse." The rich nutrients in pine pollen can bring health to the body by promoting the balance in the body and strengthen the self treatment capacity of the body.

The healthcare effect of pine pollen is immune regulating. When the body's immunity is strengthened, human beings' capacity of self-cureing, self-recovery and self-rehabilitation will improve accordingly. With a good resistance against diseases, people are less likely to fall ill and are more likely to recover from illness. With an energetic body, people are less likely to feel weary.

(7) Promoting regular metabolism of the body. Modern people attach great importance to health care whose basic principle is to maintain the regular metabolism of the body. It works with observance of certain rules under precise control. On the one hand, it synthesizes substance that the body needs and provides energy that life activity needs and on the other hand, decomposes its own substance, eliminates waste and constantly gets rid of the stale and take in the fresh. When metabolism works well, people can live healthily and normally; however, when there is something wrong with some of its links, diseases will appear. The process of metabolism is the process of growth, development, decrepitude and death. The irregularity of the metabolism is often closely connected with the lack and/or imbalance of nutrient.

Pine pollen maintains the metabolism of substance in the body with well-balanced nutrients and natural active substance. In addition, the enzymes and fibers in pine pollen also help the decomposition and absorption of food, which can keep the body in good conditions by eliminating the toxin in the body under regular evacuation with enough water. The healthcare effect of pine pollen is not decided by a single nutrient with a low absolute content, but by the synergistic effect of many nutrients with a balanced and comprehensive regulation of the body, which is difficult to realize in a lot of food and medicine. Therefore, Guozhen Pine Pollen is highly praised by Ms.Yu Ruomu, the famous nutritionist as "a health treasure endowed by God".