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Friday, March 30, 2007

Q&A: Blood and Heart Companion - 6th Lophatherum Essence series

1. What are the features of Guozhen Lophatherum Essence?

Guozhen Lophatherum Essence is made with delicate technique, which produces distinct functional components with high purity. With high stability and hydrophilicity, it can penetrate into the affected parts and work directly, safely, effectively with no toxic side effect. With no hormone and anti-nutrient elements contained, it also does no harm to liver and kidney functions, blood, routine urine test and blood sugar. With bamboo fragrance and easy edibility, it has healthcare functions such as freeing the mind, removing heat, eliminating toxin, promoting urination, protecting the heart, brain and blood vessel and improving immunity.

2. Whom is Guozhen Lophatherum Essence good for?

(1) People with high blood lipid and pressure and mild fatty liver;

(2) The young and middle-aged as an anti-oxidant to delay aging;

(3) The obese;

(4) The middle-aged and elderly as a prevention or supportive therapy for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases;

(5) The high-risk groups with the family history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases;

Guozhen Lophatherum Essence is inedible to:

(1) Children;

(2) It should be used with care for those prone to haemorrhage,

(3) It should be used with care for those with gastritis, gastric and duodenum ulcer and those with constant cold stomach disorders
and a weak constitution.

3. What are the main ingredients of Guozhen Lophatherum Essence?

The main functional components are: bamboo leaf flavone, coumarin lactone, biological active amylase and phenolic acid.

4. What are the beneficial effects of Guozhen Lophatherum Essence?

According to scientific studies, the flavone in the body has functions such as: eliminating fatigue, protecting blood vessel and preventing arteriosclerosis, dilating capillary vessel, improving microcirculation, myocardium anemia, activating the brain and organic cells, inhibiting lipid oxidation, scavenging oxidative free radical and delaying aging. The main functions of Lophatherum Essence are:

(1) Reduction of blood lipid and cholesterol. The molecule standard research has proved the bamboo leaf flavone' prevention of the oxidation of the serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol.

(2) A good protection of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular organs.

(3) An interaction of nitrosation reaction.

(4) Anti-radioactivity and protection against tumors.

(5) Regulation of immunity. The immunity-regulating effect will be realized by the promotion of the cellular immunity and the phagocytic activity of multi-phagocytes.

5. What are the beneficial effects of Guozhen Lophatherum Essence on the heart, brain and blood vessels?

Guozhen Lophatherum Essence's protective functions on the heart, brain and blood vessels are demonstrated by: acting as an antagonist against free radicals, controlling lipid peroxidation, improving the activity of the endogenous anti-oxidation enzyme, lowering blood lipid and blood cholesterol, dilating coronary blood vessels and increasing the flow of coronary blood, improving the myocardial ischemia and narrowing myocardial infarct, controlling the coagulation process and reducing the blood platelet congregation with a protective function of myocardial and cerebral ischemia.

6. How can Guozhen Lophatherum Essence regulate blood lipid?

The mechanism of Guozhen Lophatherum Essence's regulation of lipidemia is to promote the lipid metabolism, prevent the oxidation of low density lipoprotein and increase the content of high density lipoprotein.

Bamboo leaf flavones’ prevention of the oxidation of low density lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood has been confirmed by research.
Animal experiments have confirmed that bamboo leaf flavone can greatly decrease the density of the rat's TC and TG as well as increase high density lipoprotein cholesterol and decrease low density lipoprotein cholesterol. The healthcare function of bamboo leaf flavone is also confirmed by clinical experiments conducted by Shanghai First People's Hospital 12 weeks after it is taken.
Meanwhile, it has a protective therapeutic effect on diseases such as dizziness, headache, insomnia, breast anomalies, nervousness and body numbness caused by hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, cerebral thrombosis, etc.

7. How can Guozhen Lophatherum Essence have an anti-aging effect?

The decline of the biological system caused by the reaction of free radicals is illuminated by more and more facts since the theory on free radical-caused aging was put forward by Harman in 1954. Oxygen free radicals are produced by the cells breathing, which produces a toxic effect on them. Therefore, the constant reaction of free radicals in cells and tissues may be the main cause of aging. Bamboo leaf flavone's high performance against free radicals is the basis of its anti-aging effect.

8. What is the mechanism of Guozhen Lophatherum Essence in alleviating cough and removing phlegm, heat and toxic materials?

Cough is a defensive reaction caused by the stimulation of foreign substances or secretion in the respiratory tract. When organs such as the nasal cavity, pharynx, and the bronchial wall are stimulated, the nerve impulse is transmitted through the vagus nerve to the central cough center whose nerve impulse is transmitted through vagus nerve and motor nerve to the smooth muscle, respiratory muscle and laryngitic muscle after it is excited, which consequently causes cough. Bamboo leaf flavone's removal of cough and phlegm is shown:

(1) as preparations for the mucous blood vessel's contraction and the tracheal smooth muscle's relaxation,

(2) to reduce sputum viscosity and encourage it to be coughed out,

(3) to restrain pathogenic bacteria of chronic pharyngitis effectively, thus arresting cough without any addiction.
Bamboo leaf flavone's heat-removing and detoxification effect is closely connected with its protection against free radicals, oxidation, bacteria, virus and inflammation and improvement of immunity. Its detoxification effect has been confirmed by its prolongation of the life of the white mouse poisoned with sodium nitrite, potassium cyanide and lidocaine, respectively, through experiments.

9. Why does Guozhen Lophatherum Essence have an anti-inflammatory effect?

Inflammation in the body, as an extraordinarily common and important basic pathological process, is mainly a defensive organic reaction brought on by different kinds of inflammation-inducing genes which cause partial organic transformation, effusion and cellular hyperplasia. Its elimination is decided by the interaction between one's capacity against diseases and inflammation-inducing genes. The surplus free radicals in the body will damage cells and tissues and stimulate the release inflammation-inducing genes. Bamboo leaf flavone can scavenge free radicals and control and eliminate inflammation. Long-term administration of Lophatherum Essence can improve one's immunity and prevent inflammation.

10. What antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of Guozhen Lophatherum Essence and its inhibitory effect on hyperplasia of prostate?

Inflammation in the body is a common but important pathologic process and a defense-based histologic reaction during which the action of various inflammation-causing factors on the organism causes degeneration and exudation of the tissues as well as proliferation of tissue cells. Removal of inflammations depends on the interaction between the body's capacity against diseases and the inflammation-causing factors. Excess free radicals in the body can damage cells and tissues, and trigger the body to release various inflammation-causing factors. EOB-f can remove free radicals effectively and inhibit and diminish inflammations. Chronic use of Guozhen Lophatherum Essence can enhance immunity and prevent inflammations.
Guozhen Lophatherum Essence has certain inhibitory effect on the seven common pathogenic bacteria in the urinary system. Meanwhile, it has explicit effect on inflammations in the accessory lobe of prostate and explicit inhibitory effect on the hyperplasia of prostate. As it can reduce fever and cause diruesis, it provides a non-medication choice for patients suffering prostatitis and hyperplasia of prostate.

11. What is the immunoregulatory effect of Guozhen Lophatherum Essence on the body?

The immunity is enhanced by promoting the immunologic functions of the body fluid and the tissues as well as the phagocytic activity of the macrophage.

12. How may Guozhen Lophatherum Essence benefit health through the inhibition of nitrosification?

The effect of Guozhen Lophatherum Essence's prevention of nitrous reaction on health is: to prevent the formation of highly oncogenic N-nitrosamine in the body and diminish the occurrence of tumors in the liver, kidney, bladder and digestive tract. Its working mechanism is related to its activity of eliminating free radicals.

The use of antioxidant in the production of meat products can partially replace chromogenic reagents (nitrate and nitrite), diminish nitrite remains, and inhibit the synthesis of N-nitrosamine.

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