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Saturday, May 25, 2013

The treatment properties of Pine Pollen on Respiratory System - Preventing Colds

The treatment properties of Pine Pollen on Respiratory System

3.1 Preventing Colds
Because pine pollen contains a large amount of vitamins, especially vitamin C, adhering to taking pine pollen can prevent cold. Taking sufficient vitamins can consolidate the link among cells and prevent cold virus from invading, thus enhancing resistance to colds. Vitamin C is susceptible to oxidization, decomposes under heating, and is dissolvable in water. Therefore vitamin C in ordinary food suffers large losses in the process of circulation and mixing, while pine pollen is edible in a natural state, possessing unmatchable superiority.
It is difficult to find the epidemic trend of cold in regions where the amount of pine pollen intake is large. In restaurants of some countries like New Zealand and countries in South America, people add pine pollen into drinks just like adding sugar into coffee. In France, people also eat pine pollen in light of symptoms when they catch cold or diarrhea. Pine pollen has been recognized as an ideal food for cold prevention.

Coming next is about Pine Pollen Treatment Properties on :
3.2 Recovering from Pneumonia

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