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Monday, April 29, 2013

The Treatment Properties of Pine Pollen on Digestive System - gastrointestinal tract

The treatment on Digestive System

2.3 Adjusting the functions of Gastrointestinal Tract
Pine pollen adjusts the functions of the gastrointestinal tract based on its natural and nutrient properties - in particular it has special curative effect on gastrointestinal functional turbulence. Pine pollen is rich in vitamin B1, i.e. thiamin, the main component of decarboxylase coenzyme which is a kind of important substance for adjusting carbohydrate metabolism. Vitamin B1 can promote peristalsis, enhance digestive function, normalize the secretion of gastric juices and activate intestine function. It can also alleviate intractable diarrhea, enteritis and coliform infections caused by the free propagation of the dangerous enteric pathogenic bacteria and microbes without affecting the normal enteric bacteria. Pine pollen can annihilate deleterious microbes or make them dormant so as to be helpful ofr the rapid propagation of wholesome microbes.

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Therefore, amazing results will occur after the first few days of taking pine pollen in normal diet, thus pine pollen is called as " the enteric guard"

Coming next is Pine Pollen Treatment Properties in:
2.4 Habitual Constipation Treatment

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